Playful Providence Nature Walk in Blackstone Park Conservation District a Hit!

Close to 40 people, adults and children from southern Rhode Island and Providence, joined biologist Jeanine Silversmith of RI Families in Nature and several Blackstone Parks Conservancy members to explore the trails in the Conservation District on Playful Providence weekend, September 8th. “I never knew this was here!” exclaimed several people new to the park overlooking the Seekonk River.

The volunteer guides pointed to bittersweet vines winding around trees and slowly squeezing them. Bright orange Jewelweed by York Pond intrigued the children, who balanced on the logs lining the trails.

The Blackstone Parks Conservancy and the Appalachian Mountain Club have been working on the mostly steep trails for many years. Recently a new group, Friends of Blackstone Woods, have started spreading wood chips and working on water bars in an effort to help slow the erosion that is a major challenge in the Park.

If you like to work outdoors, please join us on our next trail day, October 27th (see under Events).


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